Why Do We Need a White Touchscreen?

Why Do We Need a White Touchscreen?



What is the most popular color of touchscreen or touch monitor, or cell phone/ computer/ laptop? Surely the answer is black, but how about the second popular one?

Yes, it is the color white.

Certainly, we cannot ignore the important market and volume of white touchscreen.


So the question is, why white is so welcomed, and why and where can we use white touchscreen?

 15inch touch screen computer





Touchscreen to install at a cosmetics store, woman stuff shops, etc., prefer white touchscreen to a black one, it can soften the tone and atmosphere, more feminism and cute.

Touchscreen or in fact, any furniture should be deemed as part of decoration to create the mood for women in those particular places, so white color or even sometimes pink would be the absolute wonderful choice as a sort of taste to attract more volume.

 Pharmacy and medical use



The color white is the symbol of angle and all systems of medical application: be pure and so clean. It is their tradition to have white, and hospitals to have white is as simple as weddings to have white.

Firstly, having a white touchscreen will help to create a warm place for the patient to feel safe and homey.

Secondly, having the color white is a move to show the patient that it is clean because black can hide dirty while white cannot.


   Your kiosk or the place to install is white 



To keep only one color to make things simple and beautiful is always the best option. It is a joke to have both white and black, or call it the panda design, but we have to admit it is a choice when you don’t have a choice, that’s a bargain honestly.

When you have solid the kiosk to be white, it is the best idea to have a white touchscreen and even a white touch panel to keep things all white and lovely.


Are you ready to offer the color white, the second-best, the second most popular option to your customer to win more volume?

Horsent offers all sorts of white color from touch panels to white frames, housing and white touch monitor to help you meet all the above applications and opportunities.


Post time: May-31-2022